on all fours


on all fours


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Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

on all fours (englanti > suomi)

  1. nelinkontin, kontallaan

on all fours englanniksi

  1. puhekieltä On one's hands and knees.

  2. 1916, (w), Little Journeys Vol. 14: Great Musicians, "Johannes Brahms":

  3. He was on all fours, with three children on his back, riding him for a horse.
  4. puhekieltä similar Similar in nature or effect to something else; consistent.

  5. 1920, (w), Letters of Travel, ch. 21:

  6. The new law was precisely on all-fours with the Homestead Act.
  7. 1897, (w), The Nigger Of The ‘Narcissus’, ch. 3:

  8. A bulky form was seen rising aft, and began marching on all fours with the movements of some big cautious beast.
  9. puhekieltä In a manner which is similar in nature or effect to something else; consistently.

  10. 1887, (w), The Woodlanders, ch. 39:

  11. The paternal longing ran on all fours with her own desire.
